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GAMA (Import/Export) Limited

Summary of the story

Importer/Distributor : CASIO Electronics Co. Ltd., UK
Solution Provider/ Local Dealer : IKA Retail Solutions Ltd.
Customer : GAMA (Import/Export) Limited, UK
Location : Edmonton in United Kingdom
Product : CASIO IT-3000M56E Industrial Data Terminal

Background in seeking a contemporary solution with reliable hardware/software

GAMA (Import/Export) Limited, a distributor of Turkish food products, began business in 1991. Ali Sancak, owner of the company, originally operated the business using a paper method – archiving all orders. As the business grew and the complexity of customers, products and pricing expanded, he had begun to recognize the paper based operation was no longer practical.

By 2000, Ali recognized that the only way to grow the business was to be able to monitor the stock levels, stock delivery and sales prices more closely. He started to investigate readily available software solutions, but found that they did not meet his needs. He needed a solution that relied on barcode data to ensure the correct products were being sold, picked and distributed, whilst also needing to use a back-end system that could monitor the sales prices of over 1,500 products to 1,000 customers. The complexity of the requirement led Ali to look for a software developer to design a package to suit his specific requirements. He enlisted the help of Mesut Gencer, a programmer who had experience developing solutions on CASIO handheld terminals for a variety of industries and IKA retail, a CASIO dealer in UK, to develop a bespoke solution.

The one-box solution meets his requirements

The mobile sales solution involves 5 CASIO IT-3000M56E Industrial Data Terminals carried by each of the companies sales representatives. The terminal is fitted with a barcode scanner and GPRS card, allowing the sales reps to submit orders remotely from the customer's site. And because the IT-3000 has an integrated high speed printer, they are also able to print a receipt for all orders and a receipt when payment is received.

The integrated high speed printer prints out a receipt for all orders and a receipt when payment is received.


By remotely submitting orders, the speed of shipment is increased. Another advantage is that the pricing can be monitored. With a set price range programmed into the database for each product, if a sales representative tries to sell a product below this range an integrated alarm will sound and the order will be blocked. The database stores each customers pricing for every product they buy. And with a receipt printed after every order, no future pricing disputes can occur, as the customer is given a record of what they bought and for what price.
These efficiencies save time and mean the sales representatives can now visit up to 15 stores a day, an increase of 5 store visits a day, making them much more profitable. To maximize time spent on the road, a route planner is generated to plan their journey, ensuring more effective territory and account management. Ali commented, "My sales reps are now more efficient and the IT-3000 system has considerably increased my profitability."

The solution has surely made their sales staff more effective and has improved their customer service.

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