
square shows a thumbnail of the first image you recorded on
that date, so you can find images quickly and easily. |

use the USB cable to connect the camera directly to an EPSON
Direct Print compatible printer and you can print direclty,
without going through a computer. |
![[PRINT Image Macthing II] Compatible](images/img03_print.gif) |
![[Exif Print(Exif 2.2)] Compatible](images/img04_print.gif) |
include mode setting and other camera setup information, so
they come out just the way you intended when you recorded them. |
Print makes it possible to capture and display vibrant digital
images with accurate colors. |
Image Matching and PRINT Image Matching II are registered trademarks
of SEIKO EPSON Corporation. |
information about Exif compatible printers and upgrading Exif,
contact the manufacturer of your printer. |

Photo Loader on your computer automates image data transfer
to your computer. |